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Create your Niftmint Account to earn Niftmint Tokens and Cash Back in exchange for joining our Community and purchasing from your favorite Brands! 

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How to earn Niftmint Tokens & Cash Back

DALL·E 2024-04-16 09.21.10 - Design an icon for a website that symbolizes creating an acco

Earn Niftmint Tokens when you become a member, refer your friends and family, and share shopping preferences.

DALL·E 2024-04-16 09.24.56 - Design an icon that symbolizes sharing shopping data and earn

Keep earning Niftmint Tokens by connecting your shopping data, answering shop forms, and sharing your habits.

DALL·E 2024-04-16 09.32.22 - Design an icon for e-commerce that symbolizes claiming a prod

Get rewarded with Niftmint Tokens for owning Digital Products from Niftmint Partner Brands.

Exclusive Deals for Niftmint Rewards Members

Exclusive Product Releases:

Niftmint has exclusive releases with top Brands for Tokenized Physical and Digital Products, gaining first access to products and experiences.

Earn from your Collection:

Niftmint rewards members with Niftmint Tokens for owning Physical and Digital Products by Niftmint Partner Brands.

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Become a Niftmint Partner Brand!

Want to reward Niftmint Members for shopping with your Brand? Want to offer Tokenized Physical or Digital Products to your customers and Niftmint Members? 

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